I'm a hopeless romantic who finds great joy in creating and capturing connection and beauty wherever I go.
I'm Elizabeth and I'm so happy you're here. This blog a journal of the latest here at Elizabeth Gelineau Photography. Stay a while and say hello!
Businesses are like oak trees. They take a long time to grow and often the growth is unseen for many years. Suddenly, when we get some roots, we realize that the business has indeed been growing, but just a little bit at a time. To keep our businesses thriving we must not only do those things that we are in business to do (like taking photographs), but we must also do those things…
This month is a big one. I’m celebrating five years as a business owner. Yes, you heard that right…FIVE YEARS!!! In many ways it seems like yesterday, but when I think back on all the sessions I’ve done and about the clients I’ve worked with, it seems like it’s been forever. I recently did a portrait session…
I first got into photography 12 years ago this summer. That seems so long ago when I say it, but in many ways it feels like that time went by in the blink of an eye. As a new photographer, I took every chance I had to practice the techniques I had learned in the photography classes I took in college. In many ways, it was trial and error. I was trying to still learn what the heck f-stop, shutter speed and ISO meant, but I was mostly concerned with making sure my shots were actually in focus. I didn’t have a digital SLR back then, so…
Ten years of marriage is definitely something to celebrate and Toni and Ashton certainly celebrated in style. When Toni told me before the session that they would be staying at The Battle House hotel and having dinner there the evening of their anniversary to celebrate, I was so excited for them. The Battle House just has that special occasion feel to it and it is the perfect location for an anniversary session!
Are you newly engaged? Get all my tips for planning your dream wedding with this free guide!